



ipadの開発でつまづく諸君ここを押せばキーチェーンとか証明書とか ん、まぁとにかくすべて解決だ いろいろ調べて、ログインがどうのシステムがどうの 登録がどうのあるけども、これでイッパツや 灯台元暗しとはこのこと最後、上記ができても少しつまづく そ…


A valid signing identity matching this profile could not be found in your keychain. の件 http://www.slowsystems.co.jp/blog/?p=279つまづくことはある目指せ!iPhoneアプリ開発エキスパート 第9回 デバイスでアプリを動かす http://gihyo.jp/dev/seri…


自作iPhoneアプリをiPad実機で動かすところまで http://blog.bornneet.com/Entry/283/上記サイトを参考にしながらやると - An unexpected error occurred. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact Apple Developer Support (http://deve…


ここまでくれば完了です、おつかれさまでした いよいよ実機での動作テストができそうです。


We are following up with you regarding your recent Apple Developer Program purchase. We have reviewed your documentation and have removed the hold on your Program activation. At this time, we ask that you please refer to the original activ…


To complete your purchase and access your Apple Developer Program benefits, please click on the activation code below. - 完了するにはクリックしてください。ってクリックするとエラーになります↓ We are unable to activate your Apple Developer P…

Order Acknowledgementメールが来ないので、来ないと言ってみると

Thank you for contacting Apple Developer Support. This acknowledgment is automatically generated and does not require a reply.Your email has been received and assigned the follow-up number listed at the top of this message. Our support tea…

iPhoe Developer Program登録完了後

Developer Program Purchase & ActivationOnce you have completed your purchase, you will receive an Order Acknowledgement email from the Apple Online Store and an activation email within 24 hours from Apple Developer Support. The email from …

iPhoe Developer Program登録完了

無事登録完了■[iPhone][iPhone Developer Program]iPhone Developer Programの登録時の注意点CommentsAdd Star http://d.hatena.ne.jp/nakamura001/20080904/1220504793しかしここからどうすれば・・・

iPhoe Developer Program登録の最初の難所

Existing Apple DeveloperI'm registered as a developer with Apple and would like to enroll in a paid Apple Developer Program. I'm currently an ADC Select, Premier, or Student Member and would like to enroll in an Apple Developer Program.I'm…


まず訪れるのは http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/fwcr/design/benkyo/iphone04/01.html こういうサイトだが、たいていiPhoneを開発させられそうになる 最新の情報が欲しいのだが・・・ - とりあえず実機開発には金がかかりそう iPhone Developer Programの購入方…